A useful Google Sheets formula to increase your productivity


If you work with Google Spreadsheets everyday you must be already familiar with some Google sheets tips and tricks that can improve your productivity and make your life much easier. If you used MS Excel on-premises software before you must be missing the useful excel formulas for working with GSheets data. Don’t be upset, much … Continued

Google calendar tips: jump to a specific date


In today’s article I’m going to tell you one more Google Calendar tip regarding navigation. Sometimes we need to view not only this day or week or month’s agenda but to look farther into the past or into the future and see some specific information about the day 10 years ago. By default you can … Continued

How can I add music to my Google Slides presentation


If you previously used on-premises MS Powerpoint and you have moved to Google Slides you might miss the feature of adding different sounds to your online presentation. There is no such function in GSlides at all for now but there are some workarounds which I am going to tell you about in this article.

How to customize the background in Google slides


If you are a powerful Microsoft Powerpoint user and you want to move to the Google Apps you may find that the Google Slides interface is not what you got used to, there are many differences. But all the inconveniences you are ever going to suffer refer to the view of the online app, but … Continued

Useful tips to enhance your Google Apps for business security. Part 1.


In the modern cloud technology era many companies have implemented Google Apps for Business into their daily life. That is a great step into tomorrow’s innovations. Cloud computing has many benefits in comparison with old on-premises solutions and one of them is undisputable safety of you data. But although your cloud data is well protected against the outside … Continued

Feel the power of Google Sheets formulas: insert images


Google spread sheets is a powerful instrument for working with data online. Of course, it is not exactly the same as the desktop MS Excel application that we have got used to during many years. But still there are many things in common. Powerful formulas is one of them. In today’s article I’m going to show … Continued

4 powerful Google Slides tips: shapes and lines


Google Presentations is a really great instrument. If you got used to on-premises MS Powerpoint it may be a little bit confusing for you to use GSlides at the beginning. But as soon as you learn to use the new instrument you will love it! Tip #1. Straight lines In PowerPoint you could easily create … Continued

Access your data from anywhere with Google Apps


It’s summertime and many of us take holidays and travel a lot around the world. Of course, vacation is the time when you do not want to think about your clients, emails and documents but if you are a really busy man you would need to have access to this data from time to time … Continued