Google G Suite backup and 5 more cool things you can do with it

Google Drive is that file storage service which is the part of Google G Suite. Google Drive is often considered only as Google Docs that include Google Sheets and online presentations. It works similar to Dropbox and other online file-sharing services, but it has much more cool features. In today’s article I want to tell … Continued

G Suite Backup: preventing 3 major threats to your G Suite data

If you’ve decided to move your corporate data from on-premises files and documents to the cloud platform like Google G Suite (i.e. backup your g suite), you have made a wise step. Google is a large company that has huge data centers and lots of employees that take care of the end users’ data. So … Continued

Why should I back up Google Documents?

In the era of cloud technologies more and more companies move their data to the cloud platforms, such as Google Apps for work and Office 365. Apart from collaboration these platforms give you much bigger security than you would be able to perform on your own. But still you should back up your corporate Google … Continued