Why should I back up Google Documents?

In the era of cloud technologies more and more companies move their data to the cloud platforms, such as Google Apps for work and Office 365. Apart from collaboration these platforms give you much bigger security than you would be able to perform on your own. But still you should back up your corporate Google … Continued

How to insert video into Google slides presentation

If you use Google Apps as a cloud platform in your organization you should already be familiar with different Google slides tips that can make your life so much easier. However if you share your presentation with your colleagues they can accidentally delete the information that you need. so when you collaborate on a project … Continued

3 ways to increase your corporate Google Apps security

Google Apps is a very handy platform when it comes to collaboration. You can share your files with your colleagues and work together on the same project online. But all of these cloud technologies have the other side of the coin. when you give your colleagues access to your files they can accidentally or on … Continued