Office 365 security risks


We have already discussed different security issues you can come across if you use Office 365 in your daily work.  You Office 365 security can be dilapidated by a revengeful employee, or due to Office 365 service error, or due to Office 365 migration errors, or some of your employees can simply give access to … Continued

Why should I send Outlook emails to archive


You are limited by 25Gb by your Office 365 Outlook email box. And if you receive tons of emails everyday with large attachments earlier or later your space will run out. You will receive a notification that your space is about to finish. But how can it help if you will not know where to … Continued

A useful Google Sheets formula to increase your productivity


If you work with Google Spreadsheets everyday you must be already familiar with some Google sheets tips and tricks that can improve your productivity and make your life much easier. If you used MS Excel on-premises software before you must be missing the useful excel formulas for working with GSheets data. Don’t be upset, much … Continued

Google calendar tips: jump to a specific date


In today’s article I’m going to tell you one more Google Calendar tip regarding navigation. Sometimes we need to view not only this day or week or month’s agenda but to look farther into the past or into the future and see some specific information about the day 10 years ago. By default you can … Continued

Three issues to solve when you work on Office documents in the web


Technology does not stand still, it is constantly evolving and increasing productivity. So when you come across some issues that prevent you from normal collaborating you should ask yourself what went wrong. When small and midsized companies decide to go to the cloud they usually choose between Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365 for business. … Continued

Sharing contacts in Office 365


Shared contacts in Office365 are the people who do not belong to your company but who can take place in your organization’s address book. These shared contacts haven’t got and address in your company’s mailbox. Their email addresses may belong to other companies or even be public. But we regularly have to interact with all … Continued

How can I add music to my Google Slides presentation


If you previously used on-premises MS Powerpoint and you have moved to Google Slides you might miss the feature of adding different sounds to your online presentation. There is no such function in GSlides at all for now but there are some workarounds which I am going to tell you about in this article.

Microsoft Office 365 for business privacy


Office 365 for business is no doubt the leader of IT industry privacy in the modern world. The company strives to protect their users from all the outside dangers imaginable. No Advertising Office365 does not collect the users’ data to show them the advertisements according to their interests. They do not scan your private emails … Continued

Office 365: helping disabled people to study

What was studying at school like in the past? Dig deeper into your memory and try to remember. A teacher explains the material writing something at the blackboard. Students take notes, read paper books. When it comes to testing their knowledge the teacher spreads the quiz sheets among the students. Finally children fill in their … Continued

The strategic aspects of your Office 365 cloud data security


When implementing Office 365 cloud technologies, security engineers have to look thoroughly through every aspect of the email security strategies to make sure that they provide the strongest protection imaginable. If you rely on the basic level of security provided by Microsoft your cloud data may be at a very big risk. It may be … Continued