Google Apps for business: the ultimate solution


Google apps is the best SaaS solution for businesses. It is safe and stable, it is web-based and allows you to access your data from any place. With Google Apps you don’t have to buy any hardware which can significantly cut your costs. Here is the list of main services that you can use for your … Continued

How to Set up Priority Inbox in Gmail


If you receive tons of emails every day, just like me, you should better learn how to sort them all out so as not to lose the emails that are really important to you among others. I have recently discovered this nice Gmail feature that allows you to bring some order into your inbox. Another … Continued

4 tips on how to increase your Office 365 efficiency


When you implement cloud computing technologies into your business you make great step towards data security and work conveniency. But the new instrument can become a real headache if you do not know how to use it. So here are some tips for you in how to get the most out of Office 365.

3 tips on how to effectively manage 100+ emails a day with Gmail


I receive tons of emails everyday. The average number makes up 100+ emails, so it is really important for me to keep my inbox in order. There is a big chance to lose conversations that are really important for you among all the subscriptions, invitations, notifications and other less important messages. Also if you run … Continued

How to share calendar in Office 365


Sharing your Office365 calendar with other people may be really handy when you plan your work for every day. You mark all your events in your calendar and if you give other people access to it they will see the timeslots when you are available and they will schedule their coworking with you accordingly. There … Continued

How to hide blocks of text when you share Google Docs file


Google Docs give us a wonderful opportunity to share your files with colleagues and collaborators. You can share Google Docs and give them different levels of access to your GDocument: they can either edit or only view it. But did you know that you could also hide some specific parts of the text from them? … Continued

How to create custom Gmail themes


You can set up your own customizable design for majority of social resources. Gmail has not become an exclusion on this point. Gmail offers its users a wonderful feature to customize your inbox background and set up your own custom Gmail themes. It may help you to bring more colors into your life and make everything … Continued

3 ways to protect your cloud data from user error


The cloud technologies are convenient and secure, this is true. Google Apps and Office 365 have built good trust in their cloud techniques over these years. But you cannot protect the user from himself. If a user by mistake deletes some important information, it would be deleted nonetheless. So how can you increase your cloud … Continued

3 ways for your business to back up data


In the world of modern technologies the progress is soaring in the air. Some 10 years ago we could not have even imagined any cloud solution for replicating your data to. Dropbox has become the cloud technology pioneer only in 2010. And now we cannot imagine our life without it. There is even no more … Continued