Why should companies move to cloud Office 365


Office 365 is the most powerful cloud platform the world has ever seen. Its growth rate is even higher that Microsoft’s on-premises software has ever been. Online Office has developed great features for online collaboration and can be conveniently used by teams or by individuals. The Office365 benefits are undeniable. And still there are some … Continued

Office 365 email archiving issues


OutlOutlook This is a good option, because it allows you to clean your account without losing your data. You simply move it to the archive and get it out by request. But there are some problems with O365 archiving that you should be aware of.

Reducing Office 365 availability risks


With on-premises messaging software like Exchange and Outlook you have got used to convenient planning and implementing high level of availability and security. You might have even implemented local backup of your mailbox with third-party desktop apps. But now with all these new modern technologies you have at last decided to move all your data … Continued

Why is your Office 365 data at risk?


Much has already been told about Office 365 data security. If you choose Office365 as your cloud software provider you can be 100% sure that no outside villain will ever abuse your data safety with hackers’ attacks. Keeping your data with Office is much safer than storing it on your local servers. But still Office … Continued

How to verify domain in Office 365


If you use Office 365 for business purposes you might want to link your O365 account directly to your company domain so as to keep all your emails in order. Your user’s email address may look like john.smith@yourcompany.com. If you do not have your own domain name and use some public email services like Gmail … Continued

Office 365 service management


It is really important for the Office 365 administrator to know how to manage all the features available so as to make the life easier for all the users. And the way you manage all you Office 365 polices, the way you plan your IT infrastructure, the way you deliver, operate and control your whole … Continued

What the downtime of Office 365 email can cost you


How often do your use corporate Office 365 email in your everyday life? How many emails do you receive a day? Office 365 mailbox is a very important instrument for every company that has implemented Office 365 cloud technologies. Being one of the strongest cloud service provider in the market Microsoft has built a great … Continued

How to start working with Office 365


Companies always search for possibilities to be more productive and to spend less money on operational actions. And most of all they want to increase their information security. You can reach all these goals with Office 365 which gives you the range of tools for work plus email, chats, online conferences, strong collaboration features and … Continued

4 tips on how to manage your Office 365 users


If you are an Office 365 admin you need to do many routine actions with your users every day or every week such as changing their passwords for security purposes, editing or deleting their accounts, etc. So here is the Office 365 guide for the most common of them.