Office 365, the enterprise industry leader.

Office 365

Enterprises worldwide choose Office 365 instead of G Suite by Google. There are 2 major reasons – the clear superiority of Microsoft Office 365 as an enterprise solution and hidden costs of G Suite. Indeed, organization look for a trustworthy provider when transferring to the cloud, and, you know, who else but Microsoft..? Privacy, security … Continued

Office 365 ProPlus for deploying Office365


You have finally made your mind to move all your local data to the cloud Office 365 has become your choice. That is great. But how can you quickly solve this question and deploy Office 365 to all the computers in your organization? How to set up Office 365 online archiving options in case you run … Continued

Office 365 deployment: hybrid options


Office 365 allows you to use a pure cloud environment or integrate cloud services with your local data. While you perform Office 365 deployment you can migrate some users to the cloud and keep others on-premises. The best thing is that your workers most likely will never see the difference. MS Office is the only … Continued

Deploy office 365 in your organization: breaking psychological barriers


Though cloud computing has already got quite deep into our life there are still some companies that have implemented neither Google Apps, nor Office 365, nor any other cloud technologies due to the conservative view of their employees who are used to the desktop applications. So what should an IT manager do to implement cloud technologies … Continued

Top reasons for businesses to choose Microsoft Office 365. Part 2


We have already started this topic in the previous post. Here are some more reasons why businesses choose Office 365 above all other cloud solutions. Less training is needed. When clients move to the cloud, they want to give their workers the solution that will be easily adopted and would be much similar to what … Continued

Top reasons for businesses to choose Microsoft Office 365. Part 1

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Different businesses are implementing cloud-based services into their work for such reasons as: Growing business agility Having the up-to-date technology. Support for mobile workers. These are the reasons why businesses now can earn more money and gain more time to pay attention to their core operations. With Office 365 for business you can get all … Continued

The questions you should ask the Office 365 vendor regarding resilience


Office 365 services are delivered by highly resilient systems that are well aware of their customers’ needs. MS Office has had decades to build up a business productive solution and supports all the major business requirements regarding their IT infrastructure. Every little twig of the Office 365 is 100% resilient and is adjusted to the … Continued

The Microsoft Cloud solution


Cloud computing offers companies of all sizes the chance to increase fluidity, reduce expenses, and pay more attention to the core business actions. The applications that your workers use in their daily life for such functions as email, calendars, document creation and editing, and co-working are business-crucial, so if you have decided to move them … Continued