Google Drive: Cleaning Up


Google gives you 15GB of free space in Google Drive, which seems like a pretty good deal compared to Dropbox’s 2GB and Box’s 10GB. But there’s a catch — that 15GB limit includes not only your Google Drive, but also your Gmail account (messages and attachments) and Google Photos. If you use Gmail as one … Continued

Google Team Drives Usability


Team Drives is an amazing cloud collaboration instrument. Let’s have a look on some of it’s numerous applications.   Onboarding new hires is easier In any organization, when new employees are recruited, they are subjected to training after which they are given their access to work and other organizational resources. This process can be cumbersome … Continued

Google Drive Backup: Practices


Why Google Drive backup? Well, G Suite is rapidly becoming one of the most popular cloud productivity tools, as more and more companies flock to get this service. Recently, Google has announced it surpassed the number of 3 million businesses to pay for the service. As part of the G Suite, Google Drive is your … Continued

G Suite Backup Scenarios


G Suite backup – why even think of it if the files are already in the cloud? Don’t be too fast with your judgement though, check out some scenarios below: For user data, there are two basic reasons for backing it up: first, to recover from hard drive or SSD crashes, and second, to get … Continued

G Suite Backup and Recovery Tool


Thirty two percent of the companies that are using SaaS services without G Suite backup have reported data loss. Let that sink in for a moment. The top cause for data loss it is human error. And this becomes a scary statistic, when 16% of the documents uploaded to the cloud contain sensitive information. The … Continued

UpDates. Vol IV, September 2018


Here’s the second entry of our monthly digest. UpSafe has done a lot of improvements into our Office 365 Backup and G Suite Backup systems in September. Here are some of the most significant things we managed to improve during the last month: Performance With our fresh performance update we managed to speed up our G Suite … Continued

UpDates. Vol II, July 2018


Here’s the second entry of our monthly digest. UpSafe has done a lot of improvements into our Office 365 Backup and G Suite Backup systems in July. Here are some of the most impactful things we managed to improve during the last month: Direct restore for Google Drive has been released. Our clients can now seamlessly get … Continued

Backup: Having All Set for GDPR


There’s no doubt that keeping a backup of your company’s data is crucial. Physical storage devices are not reliable and therefore, have failed to natural selection. Local storage is vulnerable to physical influences, such as energy supply, natural disasters and of course human factor. Nowadays if we speak of storage, cloud is a thing and … Continued

GDPR Compliance Discount!


GDPR is here. Long live the king! And we are here to help you reach the desired level of GDPR Compliance. Upsafe Backup provides the best backup solution for Google G Suite (corporate Gmail backup) and Office 365. It helps you ensure the critical data from your SaaS application and allows you to focus on … Continued

UpSafe G Suite Backup App Verified by Google!

G Suite Backup

UpSafe G Suite backup solution has long been trusted by our customers, providing a remarkable level of security and data loss protection. Nevertheless, during the last month we were in process of OAuth verification with Google to make our solution even more trustworthy, especially in the eyes of new & potential clients. Our clients can, having … Continued