G Suite Backup Scenarios


G Suite backup – why even think of it if the files are already in the cloud? Don’t be too fast with your judgement though, check out some scenarios below: For user data, there are two basic reasons for backing it up: first, to recover from hard drive or SSD crashes, and second, to get … Continued

G Suite Backup and Recovery Tool


Thirty two percent of the companies that are using SaaS services without G Suite backup have reported data loss. Let that sink in for a moment. The top cause for data loss it is human error. And this becomes a scary statistic, when 16% of the documents uploaded to the cloud contain sensitive information. The … Continued

UpDates. Vol IV, September 2018


Here’s the second entry of our monthly digest. UpSafe has done a lot of improvements into our Office 365 Backup and G Suite Backup systems in September. Here are some of the most significant things we managed to improve during the last month: Performance With our fresh performance update we managed to speed up our G Suite … Continued

UpDates. Vol II, July 2018


Here’s the second entry of our monthly digest. UpSafe has done a lot of improvements into our Office 365 Backup and G Suite Backup systems in July. Here are some of the most impactful things we managed to improve during the last month: Direct restore for Google Drive has been released. Our clients can now seamlessly get … Continued

Cheaper alternative to Spanning G suite backup

spanning g suite backup

Spanning G suite backup solution has proved its usefulness, offering a functional G Suite backup solution. It offers such services as scheduled backups, retention policy, gmail,contacts backup, which is a 100% industry standard. Although, is this the only option? Is there a good alternative to Spanning solution? UpSafe team clearly answers: yes! Indeed, UpSafe G Suite backup meets the … Continued

Backupify G Suite backup vs UpSafe G Suite backup?

Backupify g suite backup

Backupify G Suite backup is a world-famous solution designed to keep corporate emails and shared documents safe. Technologically Backupify G Suite backup offers Google Mail, Drive, Calendar, Contacts, and Sites backup three times a day. Then you ask: if the solution is decent – why look for anything else? The answer is simple – Backupify is a … Continued

New features in UpSafe corporate G Suite backup and Office 365 backup

Upsafe team is consistently working to improve the performance of our corporate G Suite backup and Office 365 backup solutions. We are constantly working through the functional requests we receive from our clients. We put maximum effort to make our corporate G Suite backup, Office 365 backup solutions meet our clients needs. So, here’s the … Continued

Cloud backup security – is it weaker than on-premises system ?

Data security

These last years cloud computing proved its worth. Henceforth, the value of data management and moreover data risk management (e.g. G suite cloud backup security and Office 365 cloud backup security) has been increasing in line. Nowadays, most companies believe in the need to severely improve the security and availability of their data storage access. Yet … Continued

Google G Suite backup and 5 more cool things you can do with it

Google Drive is that file storage service which is the part of Google G Suite. Google Drive is often considered only as Google Docs that include Google Sheets and online presentations. It works similar to Dropbox and other online file-sharing services, but it has much more cool features. In today’s article I want to tell … Continued

G Suite Backup: preventing 3 major threats to your G Suite data

If you’ve decided to move your corporate data from on-premises files and documents to the cloud platform like Google G Suite (i.e. backup your g suite), you have made a wise step. Google is a large company that has huge data centers and lots of employees that take care of the end users’ data. So … Continued