GDPR Compliance and Backup for UK


European Union’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came into power on the 25th of May 2018, replacing the outdated DPD (Data Protection Derivative), issued in mid 90’s. United Kingdom follows this initiative by issuing the new DPA compliant with GDPR, replacing the former UK Data Protection Act.   Therefore, the requirements for every organization, storing … Continued

GDPR-compliant Office 365 Backup. The right to be forgotten.

office 365 backup

Here’s another entry on our set of articles about GDPR-compliant Office 365 backup. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a big, complex law, and, as is only natural, some elements appear to contradict each other. One of those contradictions involves arguably the most notorious aspect of the GDPR: the right to erasure (also … Continued

UpSafe @ InfoSecurityNA in October


UpSafe team is proud to announce that we (at least some of us) are going to show up at InfosecurityNA event on the 4th and 5th of October 2017! Being one of the major infosecurity forums, the upcoming event will let us introduce our latest developments straight to the public. We are planning to bring some … Continued

UpSafe Cloud Backup: BackBlaze B2 compatibility coming soon.

We constantly work to improve our UpSafe cloud backup solution. So, in the nearest future we are releasing the new,  BackBlaze B2-compatible version of our UpSafe cloud backup solution. Indeed, it is not only technical perfection, but also flexibility that makes a good software solution. In this regard, it is critically important for us to widen … Continued

Cloud backup security – is it weaker than on-premises system ?

Data security

These last years cloud computing proved its worth. Henceforth, the value of data management and moreover data risk management (e.g. G suite cloud backup security and Office 365 cloud backup security) has been increasing in line. Nowadays, most companies believe in the need to severely improve the security and availability of their data storage access. Yet … Continued

How to enhance Microsoft Office 365 security


The cloud technology has made coworking so much easier. But it has also increased the chances of data loss. Office 365 in the cloud is a really great opportunity to make your collaboration with other employees in your company much more convenient. But you should always remember about your Office 365 security and take precautions … Continued

3 ways to protect your cloud data from user error


The cloud technologies are convenient and secure, this is true. Google Apps and Office 365 have built good trust in their cloud techniques over these years. But you cannot protect the user from himself. If a user by mistake deletes some important information, it would be deleted nonetheless. So how can you increase your cloud … Continued

Mail Protection Reports for spam and malware control in Office365


This instrument can be really helpful for admins who manage Exchange Online. Mail protection reports allows you to monitor how much spam and malware come to your corporate email every day and how often your transport rules match. With this useful tool you can easily visualise the summary data. And of course you can see … Continued

Moving all your data to the cloud: pros and cons


The cloud technologies expand nowadays like they have never done before. Companies of all shapes and sizes include them into their information strategies. The industry experts foretell the new cloud era to come. And while going to the cloud is quite convenient and beneficial for everyone, let’s not forget that every coin has the other … Continued