Google Team Drives Usability


Team Drives is an amazing cloud collaboration instrument. Let’s have a look on some of it’s numerous applications.   Onboarding new hires is easier In any organization, when new employees are recruited, they are subjected to training after which they are given their access to work and other organizational resources. This process can be cumbersome … Continued

Office 365 Backup. Threats. Part II


This week we’ll continue looking at the possible threats to Office 365 a.k.a. reasons to use Office 365 backup to protect your most valuable data. Last week we touched upon the actual threats for the data to disappear without Office 365 backup: hacker attacks, expiration and human factor. Today we’ll cover some key advantages of … Continued

Office 365 Backup: Threats. Part I.


Office 365 backup as a topic in general has emerged recently, because of many companies’ use of this agile and extremely capable collaboration network. Although, great opportunities bring great risks: keeping all of your data, including even the most valuable one, in one place is a threat as such, and the fact that it’s “in … Continued

Microsoft Sharepoint: Comparing to Microsoft OneDrive

microsoft sharepoint

Microsoft Sharepoint and OneDrive for Business have a lot in common yet there is a set of unique features which makes the former a more sophisticated teamworking tool. OneDrive is an onlineplatform designed to store files and documents of every possible kind. Usually its users/consumers are those who have a need for safe place to store important … Continued

Google Drive Backup: Practices


Why Google Drive backup? Well, G Suite is rapidly becoming one of the most popular cloud productivity tools, as more and more companies flock to get this service. Recently, Google has announced it surpassed the number of 3 million businesses to pay for the service. As part of the G Suite, Google Drive is your … Continued

Microsoft Office 365 Protection: Malware


Emails we all receive daily the most common sources of malware and ransomware, and protecting against these cyber threats is a critical concern for most organisations. In the past, the easiest and arguably most effective way of protecting email at enterprise level was to use a specialist third-party service. These days, organisations using Microsoft Office 365 … Continued

Sharepoint Backup: Common Threats and Practices

sharepoint backup

Office 365 is one of the leading business-oriented cooperation tools, and therefore cloud SharePoint backup has recently become a highly demanded service due to a number of factors: Most frequent data loss cases As you might have guessed, all of those can be described as human factor: mistakes and misconfigurations as well as intentional harmful … Continued

UpSafe Sharepoint Security Practices


Being conscientious of SharePoint security is simple if you understand the basics. SharePoint is a Microsoft platform which is designed to integrate with Microsoft Office. Microsoft launched the product in 2001. SharePoint is useful for thousands of organizations worldwide because it facilitates sharing documents on private web servers. SharePoint security can be increased through deployment … Continued

UpDates. Vol VI, November 2018


Here’s the 6th entry of our monthly digest. UpSafe has done a lot of improvements into our Office 365 Backup and G Suite Backup systems in September. Here are some of the most significant things we managed to improve during the last month: We have implemented new Monthly discount range for the Office365/GSuite backups for … Continued

Migrating to Google Team Drives: Major Tips.

  Cloud technologies have been developing greatly since early 2000s and now a lot of companies understand the benefits of equipping their employees with the most advanced collaboration tools. Indeed, there is a wide choice of cloud technologies for teamwork: some of them help team members store materials with the option to access them remotely; … Continued