Navigate your Google contacts


How many contacts do you have in your Google contacts list? How long does it usually take you to find an email address of the person you need? 10 seconds? 1 minute? When you are working with information using cloud technologies every second may be very valuable. Time is money, right? If youi delete a contact in … Continued

New Free Office365 Backup release

We have at last released the 3rd part of our beta app suite – Upsafe Office365 Backup. It protects your Office365 data from any disruptions and expensive losses. The beta is absolutely free! Sign Up for Upsafe Office365 Backup

Useful Gmail tips: how to create a task out of an email


If you receive dozens of emails from your clients every day, sometimes you can lose an important letter in this huge array and get in trouble. You can organize your Gmail account so as to make life easier. You can create tasks out of the messages. If you exceed the storage limit provided by Google you … Continued

New Google Apps Backup release


We are glad to announce that we have finally released the Upsafe Google Apps Backup Beta! Our service protects your Google Apps data from expensive and even disastrous data loss. The beta is absolutely free! Sign Up Google Apps Backup Beta

How to use Google Docs offline?


Google Docs is a great alternative to MS Office. You can reach it anytime anywhere. The only thing you need is the Internet connection. But what can you do if for some reasons you are out of the World Wide Web? You must think that Google Drive is totally useless under such circumstances. In this … Continued

Moving all your data to the cloud: pros and cons


The cloud technologies expand nowadays like they have never done before. Companies of all shapes and sizes include them into their information strategies. The industry experts foretell the new cloud era to come. And while going to the cloud is quite convenient and beneficial for everyone, let’s not forget that every coin has the other … Continued