HIPAA-compliance and Office 365 Backup

office 365 backup hipaa

The HIPAA Security Final Rule, the last of the three HIPAA rules, was published in the February 20, 2003 Federal Register with an effective date of April 21, 2003. Most CEs had two full years – until April 21, 2005 – to comply with these standards. A majority of covered entities, especially providers, did not … Continued

UpSafe Office 365 Recovery Platform


With Office 365 and Office 365 recovery, users get all of the capabilities offered by Microsoft Exchange on-premises, like OneDrive and SharePoint, along with the added benefit of accessing their data from multiple devices. Team collaboration is streamlined, as users can see edits happening in real time. Office 365 offers users easy access to data … Continued

UpSafe Office 365 Backup: Reasons


Office 365 has secured its place among the principal tools of enterprise-level cooperation, which has caused Office 365 backup issue to emerge. Microsoft is doing a lot to ensure files and documents are always accessible and backed up. It even prides itself in its 99.9% service up-time with regular backups. In a blog post on its … Continued

UpSafe Office 365 Backup with GDPR compliance.


Office 365 backup has lately become an inevitable part of any company’s route to 100% GDPR compliance. UpSafe Office 365 backup is a perfect tool to protect your company’s data and meet the regulation’s requirements for 5 major reasons: Easy-to-Manage Data Retention Policies Article 6 of GDRP requires a strategic plan for storing data about … Continued

GDPR Compliance and Backup for UK


European Union’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came into power on the 25th of May 2018, replacing the outdated DPD (Data Protection Derivative), issued in mid 90’s. United Kingdom follows this initiative by issuing the new DPA compliant with GDPR, replacing the former UK Data Protection Act.   Therefore, the requirements for every organization, storing … Continued

GDPR-compliant Office 365 Backup. The right to be forgotten.

office 365 backup

Here’s another entry on our set of articles about GDPR-compliant Office 365 backup. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a big, complex law, and, as is only natural, some elements appear to contradict each other. One of those contradictions involves arguably the most notorious aspect of the GDPR: the right to erasure (also … Continued

UpDates. Vol II, July 2018


Here’s the second entry of our monthly digest. UpSafe has done a lot of improvements into our Office 365 Backup and G Suite Backup systems in July. Here are some of the most impactful things we managed to improve during the last month: Direct restore for Google Drive has been released. Our clients can now seamlessly get … Continued

Restore Sharepoint in One Click with UpSafe Backup!

restore sharepoint

Microsoft Sharepoint is among the most sophisticated enterprise-level collaboration tools. Therefore to restore Sharepoint folders within the structure has been one of the most requested features for our customers. Now UpSafe offers an effective and elegant solution – Restore Sharepoint feature with our Office 365 Backup for Businesses solution. Our newly released Restore Sharepoint feature … Continued

Backup: Having All Set for GDPR


There’s no doubt that keeping a backup of your company’s data is crucial. Physical storage devices are not reliable and therefore, have failed to natural selection. Local storage is vulnerable to physical influences, such as energy supply, natural disasters and of course human factor. Nowadays if we speak of storage, cloud is a thing and … Continued

HIPAA/GDPR Compliant G Suite and Office 365 Backup

hipaa gdpr office 365 backup g suite backup

According to iaap.org the GDPR covers all personal data defined as any data from which a living individual is identified or identifiable, whether directly or indirectly. This broad definition includes data outside the scope of HIPAA, but GDPR includes specific requirements relating to “sensitive personal data” such as racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical … Continued