How to access your Google Calendar offline


You can only make use of Google Calendar when you have access to it, no matter if your Internet provider crashed temporarily or you are on a plane without Internet access. Google Chrome provides you with a smart application that allows you to get access to your Google Calendar offline. You may also find it in … Continued

How to mute Gmail email in a conversation with many recipients

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The Reply All button can be quite a useful thing when you communicate with a group of colleagues, all at the same time. But it can also become a headache when your part in the conversation is over and the emails still come to your Google mailbox polluting and abusing your mind and inbox. You can … Continued

How to recover deleted files in Google Drive: automatic backup

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How can you recover deleted Google docs? Is it ever possible to recover a deleted file or even the whole folder in Google Drive? For sure it is possible. You can always try Google trash recovery by opening the trash folder and clicking the right button of a mouse on it. But keeping your files in … Continued

Different ways to archive in Gmail


Archiving does not delete your Gmail messages but shifts them to the separate folder for safe keeping. If you delete a message, intentionally or accidentally, it will only be kept in the thrash folder for 30 days and after that period you will never be able to restore the information again. So it is much safer … Continued