4 tips you have to know about Google Trash folder

Google trash folder

If somebody asked you where you could find the deleted files in your Google Account most likely your answer would be the trash folder. And you would be absolutely right… in a short-term run. A user has only 30 days to recover the data from the trash folder. After that period your files will be … Continued

Backup vs archiving

Backup vs Archiving

If you use different SaaS applications in your business, such as GoogleApps, Office 365, Salesforce etc., make sure that your information is safely backed up. You can’t ever lose your data because of Google mistake, but you are never protected against human errors or an intentional malicious act. Google Corporation’s equipment is quite strong and … Continued

5 useful tips for Google Docs you were probably not aware about

5 useful tips for Google Docs

1. Translate your document to any of the 50 offered languages in a split of a second I think many of you are quite aware of such a service as Google Translate. It supports 55 different languages, from English and French up to such exotic instances as Nigbo (an ethnic group of southeastern Nigeria) or … Continued

New whitepaper: 7 cases when your GAPPs data may be at risk

Why should a user care about his Google apps safety? We all are used to think of Google to be safe and stable. And in fact it is really like this. The security standards supported by Google are the highest. But there is no insurance that a user will never delete the files he needs … Continued