Using OneDrive Securely

Listed below are general recommendations for storing files containing confidential, sensitive, or unclassified UWM data in your OneDrive account. A full definition of all data classifications and examples of each are available in the UWM Information Security Office’s Data Classification and Criticality Standards. Confidential Data Confidential data should NOT be stored or shared using OneDrive; … Continued

Sharepoint Security Challenges

  Challenge 1: Address compliance mandates “60% of organisations have yet to bring SharePoint into line with existing data compliance policies.” – AIIM 2011 SharePoint security gap Native SharePoint activity monitoring lacks an intuitive, easy-to-use interface for reporting and analytics. Without a third-party solution, businesses must first decode SharePoint’s internal representation of log data before … Continued

Sharepoint Project Management Site Tips

1. Optimize the Quick Launch Here’s a question we like to ask our customers … “Do the folks working on projects have templates and guidance on how to manage projects the way you want them to?” Well, SharePoint makes this very easy to do! A SharePoint site is made up of different lists and libraries. … Continued

OneDrive Security Practices

There’s hope for IT teams looking to avoid OneDrive security risks and go above and beyond the security measures offered by the cloud storage platform. Access management tools have entered the industry to provide IT and security professionals with a complete overview of their cloud storage and sharing platform and protect their organization’s data. Here … Continued

Sharepoint Business Improvements

It’s easy to assume that most businesses have moved to the cloud. But in truth, many organizations are still running on-premises environments in some capacity. In fact, 65 percent of enterprise workloads are still running in company-owned data centers, according to a recent study. With the release of SharePoint 2019, Microsoft proves it’s still committed … Continued

Google Drive for SMB: Tips

Google Drive is an amazing tool to keep your organisation’s data easily accessible for all with the correct security restrictions, but the sharing documents part can be a little tricky to understand and manage going forward. Here are some tips on how to use Google Drive to your advantage: Avoid sharing users files & folders, … Continued

OneDrive: New Sharing Features

OneDrive simplifies sharing files — especially for large files in specialised file formats, like CAD files and other complex illustrations that need their own viewers (or the expensive original software). OneDrive’s web front-end solves that problem with its built-in preview tools, making it easy to see files anywhere and share them with colleagues. You don’t … Continued

SharePoint: Advantages for SMB

Microsoft SharePoint lets small companies take their collaboration experience to a whole new level. It has a number of benefits that small to medium business owners can take advantage of: A collaborative environment When you have multiple employees working on the same document, keeping updated can be tough as each user will likely have different … Continued

Cornerstone Sharepoint Security Practices

SharePoint is an incredibly useful tool for businesses, as it allows employees in all departments to work together effectively.  However, using SharePoint to share sensitive data and other content can present serious security risks for your organization.  Follow these SharePoint security tips to create a secure SharePoint environment and an overall effective security strategy. 1. … Continued

G Suite Security: Advanced Practices

Google recently announced at its cloud conference in Tokyo that it will begin offering “high-risk” G Suite accounts a version of its own, enhanced in-house security. Called the Advanced Protection Program, the set of security protocols is currently rolling out to G Suite users in a beta program. The program requires the use of physical … Continued