Protecting your Files on Team Drives I


Organizations that use G Suite have two places to store files: My Drive and Team Drives. Users control the files on My Drive. They’re files the user created, stored, or allowed to be stored on My Drive. A Team Drive, in contrast, gives more people access: Every member with full access can add files to … Continued

Google Team Drives Access Management


A Team Drive provides shared storage space for people in organizations that use G Suite Business, Education, or Enterprise edition. What differentiates a Team Drive from a person’s standard My Drive is that the Team Drive acts as the owner of any files and folders created or added to the Team Drive. As a result, … Continued

Team Drive and Google Drive: Pros and Cons


Team Drive used to be the most anticipated G Suite feature before its release in early 2017. Although When you actually start sorting out your data there comes a choice between normal “My Drive” folders and Team Drives. Which one is better? As you might have guessed there is no clear answer to this question: … Continued

Comparison: Google Drive vs Google TeamDrive

In terms of file management and maintenance G Suite offers two interconnected solutions: Google Drive and Google TeamDrive. The question I am looking to answer in this article is the following: does Google TeamDrive produce any value for customers’ in corporate usage, compared to simply Google Drive. Although the main difference between them might see … Continued

Migrating to Google Team Drives: Major Tips.

  Cloud technologies have been developing greatly since early 2000s and now a lot of companies understand the benefits of equipping their employees with the most advanced collaboration tools. Indeed, there is a wide choice of cloud technologies for teamwork: some of them help team members store materials with the option to access them remotely; … Continued