Google Team Drives Backup and Restore

google team drives

Since its release Google Team Drives is among the most effective and relevant instruments of teamwork, enabling cooperation between colleagues from different departments or even different parts of the world. In this regard backup and restore of Google Team Drives has become a highly demanded function and an absolute must for companies willing to keep … Continued

OneDrive Recovery: UpSafe Office 365 Backup

microsoft sharepoint

When you happened to delete files and folders from OneDrive storage, don’t worry, you still have a chance to perform a OneDrive recovery within 30 days. According to Microsoft, users who removed documents, photos, video games, music, movies and program data files from OneDrive in Windows 10 are not lost at all at once. Instead, OneDrive keeps … Continued

UpDates. Vol V, October 2018


Here’s the fifth entry of our monthly digest. UpSafe has done a lot of improvements into our Office 365 Backup and G Suite Backup systems in September. Here are some of the most significant things we managed to improve during the last month: RBAC: new limited access options for global/super admins.You can now diminish the human factor … Continued

G Suite Backup Scenarios


G Suite backup – why even think of it if the files are already in the cloud? Don’t be too fast with your judgement though, check out some scenarios below: For user data, there are two basic reasons for backing it up: first, to recover from hard drive or SSD crashes, and second, to get … Continued

G Suite Backup and Recovery Tool


Thirty two percent of the companies that are using SaaS services without G Suite backup have reported data loss. Let that sink in for a moment. The top cause for data loss it is human error. And this becomes a scary statistic, when 16% of the documents uploaded to the cloud contain sensitive information. The … Continued

Top Five AWS Best Practices.


The AWS safe global infrastructure and services are controlled and managed by AWS and provide a reliable foundation for business systems and individual applications. AWS develops high standards for information security with the cloud as its platform, and has an extensive and holistic set of control objectives, extending from physical security via software acquisition and … Continued

Migrating to Google Team Drives: Best Practices

migrating team drives

Part I reviewed Google Team Drives in general, their functionalities and how they can be of use for enterprises, seeking to empower the collaboration opportunities of their employees. We enlisted some vital tips to keep in mind while planning the migration to Google Team Drives. Part II which you are reading now goes deeper into … Continued

UpDates. Vol IV, September 2018


Here’s the second entry of our monthly digest. UpSafe has done a lot of improvements into our Office 365 Backup and G Suite Backup systems in September. Here are some of the most significant things we managed to improve during the last month: Performance With our fresh performance update we managed to speed up our G Suite … Continued

HIPAA-compliance and Office 365 Backup

office 365 backup hipaa

The HIPAA Security Final Rule, the last of the three HIPAA rules, was published in the February 20, 2003 Federal Register with an effective date of April 21, 2003. Most CEs had two full years – until April 21, 2005 – to comply with these standards. A majority of covered entities, especially providers, did not … Continued

UpSafe Office 365 Recovery Platform


With Office 365 and Office 365 recovery, users get all of the capabilities offered by Microsoft Exchange on-premises, like OneDrive and SharePoint, along with the added benefit of accessing their data from multiple devices. Team collaboration is streamlined, as users can see edits happening in real time. Office 365 offers users easy access to data … Continued