Applying SharePoint to SMBs


Many small businesses have already appreciated applying Office 365 to create documents. This suite contains such well-known programs as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access that are cloud-based. Office 365 is a good choice for small businesses to create documents, as these programs have almost the same functionality and usability as their desktop counterparts. Here are … Continued

UpDates. Vol IX, February 2019


UpSafe has done a lot of improvements into our Office 365 Backup and G Suite Backup systems in February. Here are some of the most significant things we managed to improve during the last month: Our system can now keep original Modification date for restored OneDrive, Google Drive, SharePoint and Team Drives items, reducing the amount … Continued

Office 365 Backup. Threats. Part II


This week we’ll continue looking at the possible threats to Office 365 a.k.a. reasons to use Office 365 backup to protect your most valuable data. Last week we touched upon the actual threats for the data to disappear without Office 365 backup: hacker attacks, expiration and human factor. Today we’ll cover some key advantages of … Continued

UpSafe Office 365 Recovery Platform


With Office 365 and Office 365 recovery, users get all of the capabilities offered by Microsoft Exchange on-premises, like OneDrive and SharePoint, along with the added benefit of accessing their data from multiple devices. Team collaboration is streamlined, as users can see edits happening in real time. Office 365 offers users easy access to data … Continued

UpDates. Vol III, August 2018


Here’s the second entry of our monthly digest. UpSafe has done a lot of improvements into our Office 365 Backup and G Suite Backup systems in August. Here are some of the most significant things we managed to improve during the last month: Sharepoint restore We’ve upgraded our Sharepoint restore mechanisms, making the restore process … Continued

Office 365, the enterprise industry leader.

Office 365

Enterprises worldwide choose Office 365 instead of G Suite by Google. There are 2 major reasons – the clear superiority of Microsoft Office 365 as an enterprise solution and hidden costs of G Suite. Indeed, organization look for a trustworthy provider when transferring to the cloud, and, you know, who else but Microsoft..? Privacy, security … Continued

Backup Microsoft OneDrive: How and Why?

backup microsoft

How to backup Microsoft OneDrive? Why to backup Microsoft OneDrive? While the second question has a pretty simple answer, answering the first one might be still quite uneasy.   Although, we in UpSafe are sure that our Office 365 backup tool shows its best in OneDrive backup as well as corporate emails, contacts, calendar and … Continued

UpSafe: your Office 365 backup.


Office 365 is among the major business solutions to manage corporate mail and shared documents. This make Office 365 backup an essential task for every company, looking to secure their data. UpSafe Office 365 backup solution offers outstanding functionality, meeting the highest industry standards: our solution covers such services as Outlook (helps to enhance your … Continued

UpSafe @ InfoSecurityNA in October


UpSafe team is proud to announce that we (at least some of us) are going to show up at InfosecurityNA event on the 4th and 5th of October 2017! Being one of the major infosecurity forums, the upcoming event will let us introduce our latest developments straight to the public. We are planning to bring some … Continued