How to migrate Google Calendar to Office 365


We have already mentioned why Office 365 is better for business than Google apps in one of the previous articles. But if you have been using GApps for a long time and now you have decided to migrate Google Calendar to Office 365 you might want to take all your Googledata with you. It is … Continued

Office 365 ProPlus for deploying Office365


You have finally made your mind to move all your local data to the cloud Office 365 has become your choice. That is great. But how can you quickly solve this question and deploy Office 365 to all the computers in your organization? How to set up Office 365 online archiving options in case you run … Continued

Deploy office 365 in your organization: breaking psychological barriers


Though cloud computing has already got quite deep into our life there are still some companies that have implemented neither Google Apps, nor Office 365, nor any other cloud technologies due to the conservative view of their employees who are used to the desktop applications. So what should an IT manager do to implement cloud technologies … Continued