How can archiving of your Outlook mailbox help you to win the litigation

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When a government investigation is expected or already in process, a company can noticeably affect or reduce the potential costs of giving a response to an eDiscovery or regulatory information request by managing their data in a way that makes it easier to manage and enquiry. Especially for the companies that are regularly involved in … Continued

How much time do you spend to find the archived Office 365 data?


If a company encounters eDiscovery it usually is obliged to find some old email messages. The faster is finds the less will be its expenses for the trial and the more will be the chances to win the case. Companies that send the old messages to the archive may come across the issues of finding … Continued

Why should I send Outlook emails to archive


You are limited by 25Gb by your Office 365 Outlook email box. And if you receive tons of emails everyday with large attachments earlier or later your space will run out. You will receive a notification that your space is about to finish. But how can it help if you will not know where to … Continued

Office 365 email archiving issues


OutlOutlook This is a good option, because it allows you to clean your account without losing your data. You simply move it to the archive and get it out by request. But there are some problems with O365 archiving that you should be aware of.