Being conscientious of SharePoint security is simple if you understand the basics. SharePoint is a Microsoft platform which is designed to integrate with Microsoft Office. Microsoft launched the product in 2001. SharePoint is useful for thousands of organizations worldwide because it facilitates sharing documents on private web servers.
SharePoint security can be increased through deployment on your own intranet web servers, or you can use SharePoint Online as a component of many Office 365 packages. SharePoint Online is hosted on Microsoft’s own servers.. But poorly secured web servers and web applications can make organizations vulnerable to cyber-attack. Some of a company’s documents that are distributed through SharePoint may contain sensitive or proprietary information, and you don’t want them to fall into the hands of cyber attackers who could be either internal or external to your network! This quick guide will show you how to use and deploy SharePoint in a secure way so your organization can enjoy the convenience and functionality of SharePoint without introducing vulnerabilities to your corporate network.
Within your SharePoint administration settings, you can edit authentication methods for all possible users. You can be very careful about which users and groups you grant which permissions to, but all of that work is pointless if you don’t have an effective way to authenticate users on your SharePoint web application.
It’s possible to allow users to have anonymous access to your SharePoint sites. The best practice is to disable anonymous access altogether because it makes it more difficult for security administrators to monitor your site’s security. Ideally administrators should know who all of the users are and be able to make all users accountable for their actions. That way, external cyber-attacks can be discovered more easily, and internal cyber-attacks can be traced to a specific user.
SharePoint sites in internal networks are run within Microsoft IIS web servers. Therefore, the best practice is to enable IIS authentication settings, which should be set to use Kerberos to encrypt authentication data. It’s possible to enable basic authentication, which sends passwords in cleartext. Don’t enable that feature; passwords should never be transmitted in cleartext anywhere in your network! While arguably difficult in many situations, Man-in-the-middle attacks are still one of the biggest cybersecurity issues – so the best practice is for all data transmitted in your network to be encrypted. (source)
UpSafe Sharepoint security mechanism is based on UpSafe Office 365 backup system which covers Sharepoint as well as mail, drive, contacts and calendar.
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