If you are a Google Apps admin in your company one of your first priorities should be your users’ security. Check the most important numbers that your should always keep in mind to make your Google apps secure.
1. Number of super admins
The first and the most critical number you should be aware about is the number of super admins in your domain. Super admins have the same level of access to the users’ data that you do, i.e. they control everything. The more people in your organization have such rights the less are your Google apps secure.
Here are some tips for you:
- Make the number of super admins as small as possible, but make sure that there is always more than one. If that other super admin leaves the company your data will be at huge risk.
- Regularly review your admin access rights. The best practice is to do it every 3-6 months.
- Set up multi-factor authentication for all super admins.
2. Number of suspended users
Google charges you even for suspended accounts, did you know that? Sometimes you may need to suspend users, but not delete them. For example, when the person leaves on the extended vacation. The number of suspended users is very important to understand how much your company spends on its cloud infrastructure.
Check the tips below:
- Set up suspension time limitation.
- Backup Google apps for suspended users with applications like Upsafe to always have a reserve copy of their data in another cloud.
- Restrict the access to the account until you delete it.
- Monitor the number of suspended users with regular reports.
3. Number of third-party applications that have access to your domain
Cloud applications can make your life many times easier, but still the carry on some danger. When you set up such apps you give them specific level of access to your private data which may be a huge breach in Google Apps security.
See how you can make using such apps more secure:
- Restrict certain apps from accessing files and emails within your domain in the Google Admin console.
- Regularly review which apps have access to your domain.
- Teach your users the security basics.