Increase the safety of your Office 365: backup mailbox and change your password


When you use the cloud platforms such as Office 365 and Google apps to store your corporate data you make your data both more secure and more vulnerable. Why so? The Microsoft and Google data centers are much more stable and secure than your own local server, but the online sharing tools may give the outsiders access to your data, which may become a very big security breach. To make your cloud data more secure you should change your password from time to time and also backup your Office 365 mailbox, OneDrive, Calendar and Contacts.

Change the password in Office 365 for business

If you want to change your password because you have lost or forgotten it, you can just use the self-service password reset tool and change it.If you have no such to your account, it means that your IT administrator hasn’t enabled it for you. In this case you should contact him directly.

If you are in admin and you have lost your password, you can get it back with the same password reset tool.

If you know your password, but you want to change it to make your account more secure, go to Settings > Office 365 settings > Password > Change password.

However, this option may also be unavailable for you, if your administrator hasn’t given you such permissions.

A hint: a truly secure password should be at least 8 characters long and it should contain letters, numbers and special symbols.

Office 365 backup mailbox

Even if you regularly change your password for your Office 365 account, it will not save your data from internal threats. When you collaborate on the document with your friends or colleagues, they may accidentally or on purpose delete the data that you still need. The best way to protect your online data is to keep its reserve copy in another cloud. Upsafe allows you to do Office 365 backup mailbox, OneDrive, Contacts and Calendar.

Sign up using your Corporate Office 365 account and never ever lose if file or a document. Fully functional trial is available for 30 days.