How to split and merge cells in Office 365

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Microsoft Office Cloud 365 is pretty much similar to the desktop version we have got used to through all these years. You can apply most of the actions to the data that you did with the desktop application.

But the cloud 365 is still slightly different, and all these differences are mostly about the interface. In this article we will review how you can merge and unmerge cells in Office365. So here is one more of the Office365 tips for you.

The logic of the cloud application hasn’t changed in comparison to the desktop version. You cannot split one cell in two. But you can merge the adjacent cells. The merged cells become bigger in size than one cell. Note that if the cells you merge have any content within them the contents of only one cell will remain – the upper-left one.

After you have merged the cells in Office 365 you can always split them back. If you do not remember where the merged cells are you can find them with advanced O365 search options.

Select the cells you want to merge.

Click “merge and Center” at the Home tab:


To split them back use the same button.

Moreover, you can use the advanced search options to apply this action.

Select the cells you want to merge once again.

In the “Tell me what you want to do” type “Merge” and click Enter. The result will be the same.
Remember, that no matter what information you work with you should always remember about your Office 365 security and so regular backups of your cloud data.