How to protect your Office 365 against service errors


Office 365 users can be confident of their cloud data security. With O365 you can be absolutely sure that no hacker or any other villain will ever get access to your account unless you share your Office365 with outsiders yourself. But how can you protect your data against the service itself? Microsoft Office is a stable cloud technology and it works just fine %99.99 of time. But there is still that %0.01 chance to run into the service error. And this %0.01 can turn out to be really costly for your company.

In this article I would like to speak about the Office365 service errors: what they are and how to protect against them.

What is an Office 365 service error

MIcrosoft being the greatest giant of the cloud market has put forward much efforts to make people trust in the cloud technologies. And they have been quite effective in this sphere. Just take a look at all their case studies and different reviews at many online resources.

But despite all O365 efforts they still can experience service errors. These errors fall into 2 different operations that can effect your data: service outages and erroneous account suspensions.

Service outages are experienced almost by all Office365 users from time to time. What you need to do if your dashboard doesn’t work is to ask your administrator to take care of this issue. Usually these outages take little time, but sometimes they can last for hours and even days.

The account suspensions occur much more often. If Office 365 suspects your account for breaking the rules of the service your account can be blocked without any explanation. And it may take days to get your account back to life and to prove you are no criminal.

How to protect your Office 365 account against the service errors

To make sure you will always have access to your cloud data is to set up O365 account recovery options. This precaution will let you to get access to your account through alternative phone number or email address which Office365 will contact to verify you are not a villain. Without this precaution it may take much longer to bring your Office 365 account back to life by contacting support team.

The best and the fastest way to recover your account is to do regular backups of your Office 365 data with third-party applications like Upsafe Office365 backup tool. If you set up this tool you will always be able to recover your O365 data in a couple of minutes instead of hours and even days.