Sometimes we need to work with large tables in Google Sheets that contain too much information. And once we scroll the table down we may forget what its heading was about, which word or number refers to which column. Then you need to remember the line and scroll back upwards, then downwards again. If the table is really big it can become a nightmare. Another problem you may come across concerns Google Docs security. If you share your files with colleagues they may erase the information that you need. In this article I will tell you how to fixate rows and columns in Google Sheets and also tell how to restore a Google account data in case you lost a file or an email.
How to fixate a column in Google Sheets
Google Sheets offer you an awesome workaround for fixating rows. This is the Google tables built-in tool, you do not need to be the IT-guy to be able to use it, it’s pretty simple. See the instructions below what you can do in such case.
Open the table you are currently working with. Click View – Freeze – 1 row.
Now the table’s heading will be fixated at the top while you are scrolling down this huge list of data.
If the heading consists of 2 or more rows, the algorithm is pretty much the same. You only need to choose 2 rows or “Up to current row”.
The same applies to columns. You can freeze 1 or 2 or as many columns as you like and scroll the document to the right.
How to restore a Google account data
If you collaborate with your friends or colleagues on the same Google Sheet most likely all of you have the same level of access to this file. And it means that your colleagues can easily erase the data that can be quite important for you. Of course, you will still be able to restore the previous version of the file, but you will only be able to do this during 30 days. This is the restoration limit that Google gives you. So if the data was erased or modified more that 30 days ago you won’t be able to restore it unless you take precautions and backup your corporate Google sheets to the cloud with applications like Upsafe. If you have a reserve copy of your documents in another cloud you will always be able to easily restore a Google account file or an email.