Google apps collaboration: how to share Google calendar with your colleagues


How to notify your colleagues about the upcoming event? How to share your corporate Google calendar with orhers?

How to make your personal calendar public so that your clients would adjust their calls to your schedule?

Google Calendar allows its users to share your events with other people. See the instructions below on how you can do this.

How to share Google Calendar

At the Google Calendar on the left-hand pane click on the arrow at the “My calendars” section and choose “Create new calendar”.


In the new window set up the name for this calendar, your time zone and description. And if you scroll a little bit downwards you will find the “Share this calendar with others” option.

Check it.


You can share this calendar only with your collaborators. In this case select “Share this calendar with everyone in the organization <name of the organization>”. Then all your colleagues will have access to it and be able to add new events and edit existing ones.

You can also make your calendar public. In this case people from the outside will only see if you are free or busy, but they won’t have any details.

How to make your corporate Google Calendar secure

Sharing and collaboration is great, but don’t forget that all these conveniences increase your Google Apps security breaches. People you share your data with may accidentally delete some important aspects. Of course, you can restore your events from trash, but you are limited by a month period. After 30 days Google deletes everything from trash automatically.

The best way to protect your corporate data is to regularly backup Google Calendar with applications like Upsafe.