Forewarned is forearmed: protect your Office 365 from breaches and migration issues by performing Office 365 data backup


Our trust into MS Office online is so strong that some of IT managers believe that there is no need for additional cloud security. We are so sure of the Office technologies that we believe migrating from the on-premises solution to the cloud will be seamless. And this is where the trouble may be. Let me reassure you and tell about the risks you may come across with Office 365. But don’t reject new cloud technologies. In this article I will also tell about how you can protect your data with regular Office 365 data backup.

Security Breaches

The cloud technologies fight against 2 types of security breaches. A hard breach applies to the hackers’ attacks when they break into your system and steal your data. But you may not fear it as Office365 has been working on its security for many years already and built quite strong defence.

What you should really fear of is called the soft data breach, when your users share their private data with the outsiders. The only way to fight against this breach is to talk some sense into your staff on regular meetings.

  • Set up rules that disallow users to share their password with anyone without permission
  • Perform regular (at least once a month) security training.
  • Teach your staff to double-check any address before opening the page.
  • Teach them to see the differences between a usual web page and a phishing page that tricks people by making them put in their login and password.

Migration issues

Migrating to Office 365 can turn out to be much more complex than it seems at the first sight, especially for large companies with many dozens of users. The manual migration can become your nightmare. There are lots of third-party applications, though, that will help you to automate the process.

But if you have decided to use one of these tools you will have to allow the app to access all your secret data. And this may be a security issue, too. One wrong move can put down the whole server. And that would be the end of the day. Your employees won’t be able to do their job, you will simply lose money.

Office 365 data backup

The best way to protect your cloud data from such issues is to do regular cloud-to-cloud Office 365 data backup. Upsafe Offcie 365 backup tool will help you to keep your organization’s data super-secure. It will automatically send the copies of your online documents and emails to another cloud. So if anything happens to Office servers or if your files are lost during the migration you will always be able to restore them with this user-friendly and simple interface.