When you implement cloud computing technologies into your business you make great step towards data security and work conveniency. But the new instrument can become a real headache if you do not know how to use it.
So here are some tips for you in how to get the most out of Office 365.
Tip 1. Implement Office 365 collaboration feature with your colleagues
Everyday you have to work on the same projects together with your team and you have to share your files with them. With Office 365 co-workers can easily collaborate with each other within one document. They can edit documents that are shared with them and see what others do in the real-time in MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
Note that collaboration in Office 365 is absolutely free.
Tip 2. Attend the training sessions at Office 365 training portal.
The Office 365 training portal is a great place where you can find the answers almost to all your questions regarding the software interface.
There is a plenty of articles and video tutorials that can help you to understand the logic of such apps as OneNote and Publisher.
Tip 3. Employ OneDrive to get access your cloud data with your Android device
Despite the common-known competition between Microsoft and Google, Miscrosoft makes some steps towards integration, and OneDrive is one of them. OneDrive is an application created by Microsoft specifically for Android devices. The OneDrive allows you to keep all your personal and work data in one place. And you can access two clouds (OneDrive and OneDrive for business) from one app. You can share, browse and delete files just right in the app.
Tip 4: Implement a third-party backup application to protect Office 365 from user and service errors
Microsoft is all about security and they have improved their software much on this point. But still none of us can feel 100% protected against human mistakes. People make mistakes, that;s true. They accidentally delete files to find out that that should not have been done later. To make sure that your cloud data is safe implement third-party applications like Upsafe to backup Office 365 data and be sure that you will never lose a bit of information again.