SLA – Service Level Agreement
Cloud Apps Backup Service Level Agreement
The aforementioned company (“Cloud Apps Backup”) agrees to provide the charged user (“user”) an online backup service for any computer or user registered on our service. All enabled users, or users with hosted data, are considered an active user and will be charged accordingly.
Cloud Apps Backup will use all available resources to make sure that the service is available 24/7 following the conditions listed below.
- All services are rendered online only and Cloud Apps Backup technicians will not come to your residence or business facility to address any issue you may have.
- Cloud Apps Backup offers no phone support. Mail support is available according to the following schedule: Monday to Friday: 10am-10pm GMT; Weekends & Holidays: 2pm-8pm GMT
- Cloud Apps Backup can provide on-demand remote support or demo for premium users and potential premium user. All remote session should be scheduled in advance.
- Cloud Apps Backup ensures that Backup will run twice a day at 9am & 9pm GMT. However, Cloud Apps Backup cannot be liable regarding the following issues: computer errors, internet connectivity issues or any other technical issues out of its control which may cause a glitch or a complete failure of your data backups. It’s user’s responsibility to ensure his data backup has been successfully completed by checking the log file generated by his backup.
- Backup recovery is rendered online only. The restoration of your Data is at your total discretion and selection. Cloud Apps Backup have no access to your data and cannot be held responsible for the way you use the solution.
- Cloud Apps Backup cannot be held responsible for any issues out of its control affecting the services. Such as the ones linked to data storage provider. Likewise, the company would not be held liable for exceptional issues affecting the company itself such as internet outage, strikes, government shutdowns, natural disaster and so on. Moreover, data backup & recovery time depends entirely on various factors such as your internet speed.
- Cloud Apps Backup will perform regularly scheduled maintenance & upgrade of the solution during regular off-hours determined by the company sole discretion. These actions can lead to occasional service downtime. These maintenance and upgrade are vital to ensure the full reliability of the services. The company will generally notice user in advance before proceeding to such upgrade or maintenance. Therefore Cloud Apps Backup might also have to proceed with emergency maintenance. As such an emergency action cannot be predicted by definition, Cloud Apps Backup may not be able to notify prior to such maintenance. The company will do its best to inform you by posting notices on its website, social networks or through email.
- Cloud Apps Backup provides the highest 256-bit encryption security layer and generates a unique owned key for all users. All data in transit are protected with HTTPS protocol. Cloud Apps Backup has no access to your credentials or data.
- In compliance with GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) Cloud Apps Backup provides the storage on EU-based servers upon request
- Cloud Apps Backup reserves the right to modify this SLA at its discretion. If so it is the user responsibility to check regularly the SLA content.