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O365 home data protection & security layer

Your O365 security is a core requirements for us, along with reliability, efficiency, scalability and user control. Upsafe applies the highest available security to all customer data.

Data Encryption
Upsafe secures all stored data with 256-bit AES encryption standard, using a unique user owned key randomly generated. We also use HTTP protocol with Secure Socket Layer encryption (SSL), which allows us to provide an HTTPS security protocol to all data in transit.

Restricted Accessibility
Access to production servers is granted only to a small number of high profile technician, who are targeted for limited operational requirements only. Moreover Upsafe has no direct access to your data or credentials.

Access Monitoring
Our solution continiously monitors new access, potential intrusion or errors through log analysis, rootkit detection, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, and active response. Because it is better be too safe than sorry, we also set a two-step authentication process to access and manage the solution.

Partner Certification
Upsafe works closely with the Amazon Cloud Web Services, which is accredited with ISO 27001. It has fulfilled multiple SAS-70 Type II audits, and publishes regularly, under both the SSAE 16 and the ISAE 3402 professional standards, a SOC 2 report.

Upsafe already matches most international security requirements. Procedures to access the main international security certifications are in progress.


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